Monday, 1 June 2015

HornetQ Apache donation and Apache Artemis 1.0.0 release

The HornetQ code base was donated to the Apache ActiveMQ community late last year and now resides as a sub project under the ActiveMQ umbrella named 'Artemis'. Since the code donation, the developers have been working tirelessly to get an initial release of Artemis out the door; to allow folks to give it a whirl and to finalise the donation process. With the release of Apache Artemis 1.0.0, that process has come to a close and the code donation has now been completed.

The active developer community has migrated across to Artemis; all of the developers that were active on HornetQ are now committers to the Artemis project; working on the code base as part of the ActiveMQ umbrella. The hope is that the union of the two great communities HornetQ and ActiveMQ will provide a path for a next generation of message broker with more advanced features, better performance and greater stability. We feel we can achieve these goals using the Artemis core with it's superior performance in combination with the vast feature offering of ActiveMQ. As Aristotle once put it "The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts". Let's hope this holds true for this union and great things will happen.

The Artemis project is targeted to house this next generation of message broker, as such any new feature requests or contributions from the HornetQ community should now be placed into the Artemis stream of development. HornetQ will of course have bugs fixed on its active branches (2.3 and 2.4) but will be mostly in maintenance only mode. For those HornetQ users who are wishing to migrate to Artemis 1.0.0, your job should be easy, Artemis is already compatible with HornetQ clients and supports a number of other protocols such as AMQP, Stomp, ActiveMQ's native messaging protocol 'OpenWire' (at Alpha with support for ActiveMQ JMS clients and basic transport) and also JMS 2. In addition we have already started development on support for MQTT.

To find out more on the Artemis project and how to subscribe to the Artemis mailing lists and get involved, please visit the Artemis website here:

We look forward to seeing you all very soon

Monday, 3 March 2014

HornetQ Vert.x Integration Available

HornetQ now provides Vert.x connector services that can redirect and persist vert.x messages to HornetQ queues and route those messages to a specified vertx address.
Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that's designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise
applications. Vert.x provides a distributed event bus that allows messages to be sent across vert.x instances and clients.

There are two kinds of Vert.x connector services, an incoming connector service and an outgoing connector service.

An incoming connector service listens to the Vert.x event bus on a configured address for messages and routes them to a configured HornetQ queue. An outgoing connector
service consumes from a configured HornetQ queue and sends/publishes them to Vert.x event bus on a configured address.

The following diagram illustrates how messages flow from the Vert.x event bus to the HornetQ core queue through an incoming connector, and then from the HornetQ core
queue back to Vert.x event bus through an outgoing connector.

1 Configuring a Vertx Incoming Connector Service

Below is an example for a Vert.x incoming connector service:

<connector-service name="vertx-incoming-connector">
  <param key="host" value=""/>
  <param key="port" value="0"/>
  <param key="queue" value="jms.queue.vertxQueue"/>
  <param key="vertx-address" value=""/>

Shown are the required params for the connector service:

• queue. The name of the HornetQ queue to send message to.

As well as these required parameters there are the following optional parameters:

• host. The host name on which the vertx target container is running. Default is localhost.
• port. The port number to which the target vertx listens. Default is zero.
• quorum-size. The quorum size of the target vertx instance.
• ha-group. The name of the ha-group of target vertx instance. Default is hornetq.
• vertx-address. The vertx address to listen to. default is org.hornetq.

2 Configuring a Vertx Outgoing Connector Service

Below is an example for a Vert.x outgoing connector service:

<connector-service name="vertx-outgoing-connector">
  <param key="host" value=""/>
  <param key="port" value="0"/>
  <param key="queue" value="jms.queue.vertxQueue"/>
  <param key="vertx-address" value="vertx.out.eventaddress"/>
   <param key="publish" value="true"/>

Shown are the required params for the connector service:

• queue. The name of the HornetQ queue to fetch message from.

As well as these required paramaters there are the following optional parameters:

• host. The host name on which the vertx target container is running. Default is localhost.
• port. The port number to which the target vertx listens. Default is zero.
• quorum-size. The quorum size of the target vertx instance.
• ha-group. The name of the ha-group of target vertx instance. Default is hornetq.
• vertx-address. The vertx address to put messages to. default is org.hornetq.
• publish. How messages is sent to vertx event bus. "true" means using publish style. "false"
means using send style. Default is false.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

HornetQ 2.4.0.beta1 is released and now has JMS2

The HornetQ team is proud to announce the release of 2.4.0.beta1 which can be downloaded here.

This contains a full implementation of the recent JMS 2 specification which includes new features such as simplified API's, Shared consumers on topic subscriptions and Auto Closeable JMS resources.

There are new examples shipped that show this new functionality, these include a jms auto closeable, jms shared consumer, jms completion listener and a jms context example which can be found in the distribution.

There is also a new JEE example demonstrating the use of an injected JMS context which will be runnable against the next Wildfly release.

This version also supports the AMQP protocol for the first time and comes shipped with 2 examples using the Qpid Proton ruby and java clients.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

HornetQ 2.3.0.Final Released

The HornetQ team is proud to announce the release of HornetQ 2.3.0.Final.

This includes new features such as replication, multiple backups, multiple failover, failback and stomp 1.2 support as well as many other enhancements, fixes and performance tweaks.

Thanks to all the team, Clebert Suconic, Andy Taylor, Francisco Borges, Howard Gao and Justin Bertram as well as Jeff Mesnil for his integration work and all the other contributors.

You can download it from

Onwards and upwards to 2.4.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

HornetQ 2.3.0.CR2 - Pre Final now

This is it! We just release HornetQ 2.3.0.CR2 which we intend to be our last Candidate Release before 2.3.0.Final

We are already in code freeze mode, meaning we are only committing very minor things like release scripts or other minor changes.

This is a big deal for us, we have been working on this release for a while, which mainly includes replication with active sync (meaning you can add a backup to a node and it will copy the live data to the backup side).

Please give it a try, and we will work with anyone who finds an issue before final.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

HornetQ 2.3.0.CR1

HornetQ 2.3.0.CR1 has just been released

There are several bug fixes on this release and hopefully should be the pre cursor to 2.3.0.Final very shortly.

Replication now seems to be pretty stable, thanks to all who have tested it and help improve it, please let us know your experiences either via the user forum or our IRC channel and we will work hard to get Final out as soon as we can.

Monday, 26 November 2012

HornetQ Beta2 Released

We are really glad to announce our second Beta of HornetQ 2.3.

We are working like crazy to make things happen and we are more than  almost there now. We could fix a few issues on replication, and especially the way things are configured. Really thanks for our users who have helped us achieve this release, that's really helpful. On that front I would like to mention Yong Deng who did an awesome job on raising issues about replication on the Beta.

The current schedule is to release HornetQ 2.3 GA early next year. Any input on how things are going for you with replication and failover with 2.3.Beta2 will be really helpful. Our forums are more than ever open for that collaboration.

This could be the latest Beta already. Things are moving along well, and we are really excited about this progress.